Eagles are an Endangered Species

There are many species of eagles that are considered to be endangered species. This is because of all of the changes that humans have made over the years. One of the reasons that eagles are fighting to survive is because people are destroying the natural habitats of these majestic birds.

Many eagles are finding it difficult to locate an area where they will be able to build their nest because so many of these spots are being taken away. In addition, because of the many habitats being disrupted by humans, the prey that the eagles hunt for is starting to become scarce in certain areas as well.

Finding Eagle Clipart Easily Online

When you are searching for eagle clipart, you should make sure that you have an idea of what kind of clipart you are looking for. If you have already begun your search on the Internet, then you have probably found that there are thousands of pieces of eagle clipart for you to choose from. If you would like to view clipart that involves specific kinds of eagles, then you should make sure to include this into your search. This will help to narrow down all of the options that will be provided to you, and you will have an easier time choosing one.  

Finding an Eagle in Flight

If you would like to see an eagle flying, then you should know that there are numerous places that you can go to in order to view this majestic bird in flight.


One of the best places for you to be able to view this is at a reserve where they care for this kind of bird.


There are some species of this bird that are endangered, so you will be able to easily spot them in flight if you go to a reserve.


These kinds of places watch over the birds, but allow them to lead a normal life.

The Perfect Synonym for Freedom – The Eagle

Golden Eagle Wallpaper
The phrase “soaring like an eagle” is best known as a metaphorical way of giving the notion of “freedom” where ever we go in this world. It has been a phrase that has turned adage with the aging of time and it’s usage multiple times in many languages due to the fact of how the true characteristics of an eagle is. Eagles are very territorial and best known for being able to patrol their areas without fail, even raising offspring in high lofty nests on cliff sides. Their status of being the top predatory bird keeps them out of harm and gives them the freedom to soar through the air without a second thought of being persecuted- it is with this essence that the phrase came to be born and the eagle became a symbol of “freedom”.

The Martial Art of Catching – The Claws of the Eagles

Golden Eagle Wallpaper
Martial arts first originated from various sources that would take a cue from watching nature move along and how predators hunt their prey or how animals combat each other such as the soaring eagles or the graceful cranes. The most notable hand styles in Chinese martial arts is the tiger, the praying mantis and the eagle claw- all based on certain strengths and weaknesses of skill and style such as the Tiger is based on powerful mauls and pounces using a palm strike to the sternum while the praying mantis is more on accuracy and pin point precision of touching certain pressure points in lightning fast speed and of course, the eagle claw known for being a deadly form of stand up grappling and joint breaking.

Eagles in the Skies, Sharks in the Oceans- Predators are the Masters of their Field

Flying Eagle
The word predator brings to mind many powerful creatures that are of brute force and immense strength, which clearly isn’t much to say as they are not given their due attributing their best strengths which are their cunning, their strategy and their intelligence. Hunting as we know is not a wild goose chase but rather a manipulative game where one must trick the prey into entering the attack field for that kill shot, much like the eagles which use ambush and silence as their weapons, similar with the sharks which attack with a sudden burst of speed underwater or the mighty lion hiding quietly among the tall grass of the savannah. We must be patient if we are to think like predators and not rely on strength alone.

The Mysticism behind Eagles- Eagles in Our World’s Cultures

Eagle Perched

Eagles have long influenced many symbolic meanings in our ancient world, often depicting them with great reverence and power such as that of the hybrid bird-man Garuda of Hinduism which is said to fight off the snake people of the Naga in honor of the Devas or even the spiritual leader of the skies among the Red Indian tribes of the Americas. Eagles have even been placed upon multiple flags spanning as much as five continents, pronouncing their significance to the world in terms of symbolism of a carefree spirit that depicts total freedom and justice in the form of coat-of-arms.

The Difference between Condors and Eagles – The Common Mistakes made by People

Eagle perched

In describing powerful aerial predators, we often think of the eagles as the primary first since they are most symbolic of birds of prey and are known for their size, speed and strength among all other avian species, however, this is not the case among many people in the south American countries who view the vultures called condors as the sole predators of the sky. The difference between the two, aside from their species, would be the way they go about their hunting circuits- Eagles are known to stalk their prey from many miles up then swoop down and grab them in the clutches of their talons while condors are more inclined to be scavengers and may only prey on very small mice and snakes compared to the eagle that could haul a rabbit into the air.

Maintaining the Vision of Eagles – Keeping your Eyes Healthy

The eyes are one of the most trusted sources of our five senses and should be kept in high condition and care if we are to preserve them to last us until our later years. The span of eyesight ranging 20/20 nowadays has long deteriorated with the advent of monitor screens and activities keeping us rooted in front of computer monitors along with other factors such as bad nutrient intake and lack of proper moderation. The average time an adult spends working in front of a computer nowadays is near 4 hours and over, which can strain the eyes and suffer their eyesight compared to our forefather who used to have the eyesight comparable to eagles- which was a perfect 20/20 vision.

Learning the War Dance of the Eagles – Studying the Chinese Eagle Claw Style

The martial arts based recognized for its powerful locks and grapples along with quick and swift aerial strikes comes from the love of the unstoppable eagles and their innate sense to pounce on to prey unsuspectingly which gives Yin Xiao Pai its internal power and respect from other martial arts styles. It was created and practiced in secret during the Song Dynasty among soldiers and passed down through generations from father to son until the world renowned Jingwoo School was opened to dispense the love and awareness of Chinese Martial Art throughout Republican China and to promote nationalistic pride among all Chinese.

Eagle Vs Mountain Goat


Eagle Wallpapers

Eagle Wallpaper

Eagle Wallpapers

Flying Eagle Wallpaper

The Perfect Synonym for Freedom – The Eagle

The phrase “soaring like an eagle” is best known as a metaphorical way of giving the notion of “freedom” where ever we go in this world. It has been a phrase that has turned adage with the aging of time and its usage multiple times in many languages due to the fact of how the true characteristics of an eagle is. Eagles are very territorial and best known for being able to patrol their areas without fail, even raising offspring in high lofty nests on cliff sides. Their status of being the top predatory bird keeps them out of harm and gives them the freedom to soar through the air without a second thought of being persecuted- it is with this essence that the phrase came to be born and the eagle became a symbol of “freedom”.

Birds of Prey – The Difference between Eagles and Hawks

Most people often interchange the most known “predator of the air”; the Eagle with its much smaller yet swifter cousin, the Hawk. It is a common mistake that occurs due to the fact that both are recorded through ancient history in various classic cultures like the Greeks who saw the high god Zeus as an eagle while ancient Egyptians revered Horus whose head was that of a hawk. The key difference to spotting eagles from hawks would be in the beak point, the stockiness and the length of the talons. Eagles are much bigger, more muscular and with bigger claws and shorter beaks than that of a hawk, which is why it is the ultimate predator in the sky.

The Masonic Symbolism behind Eagles

The Masonry, forged and fashioned from a brotherhood dedicated to its values and hidden in secrecy is known for having its mark etched on many landmarks of our modern world in the Masonic symbols of eagles, the scale, the compass, the all-seeing-eye (better known as the eye of Ra) and the pyramid. The Eagle or rather, Hawk is a great symbol that comes from the Ancient Egyptian myth where Horus, the Son of Ra is depicted as having a hawk’s head. These symbols mark the ownership of the Brotherhood on whatever the symbols are etched upon, this includes flags.